Most business owners in 2022 will agree that having a website is an important part of growing a successful company and to increase website engagement is an important part of having the website. The expansion of eCommerce is unavoidable, with 25% of consumers purchasing online at least once a week.

In order to compete in the eCommerce industry, your company’s website must be simple to access, mobile-friendly, and SEO-friendly. It should also have a low bounce rate, a good user interface, and be compatible with any mobile device.

Enthof has worked on various websites for nearly two decades and has developed 15 unique ways to increase website engagement, for increasing page views, build brand trust, and drive online sales.

Here are some of the Finest Techniques to Increase Website Engagement and Keep Your Visitors on Your Site.


1) Attractive Images

According to the Social Science Research Center, 65 percent of people are visual learners. This implies people are drawn to a site’s visual elements initially.

Today, thanks to sites like Instagram and Pinterest, the visual elements of a website are critical for engagement. Images of people, as well as images of products and locations that might provide a sense of what your company offers, are the most enticing.

The more visual features you have on your website, the more credible the material becomes. Whenever possible, include visual examples to increase website engagement.


2) Fonts that are easy to read

Your website’s words are important, but only if they are readable. This is especially true on mobile platforms, where a large number of consumers use smaller screens. If in doubt, ask a few individuals if your website’s font is readable, and if it isn’t, enlarge it.


3) Content that changes over time

Websites with a lot of moving parts are now possible thanks to advances in technology and web development. Though, on the other hand, you feel as if you are being inundated with information, you will click away. The aim is to strike a balance between creativity and utility. Simplicity is crucial, as it is with most things to increase website engagement.


4) Colour Combinations

Colour has a significant impact on mood and tone. You must make certain that the colours you choose are consistent with the brand voice you’ve chosen. You can use this guide to the psychology of colours to help you figure out what works best for your brand with the focus to increase website engagement.


5) Mobile-Friendly

By 2020, mobile devices will account for more than half of all web traffic. This data implies that in order to compete in today’s market, a firm must have a mobile-friendly website. You can use tools like the Google Mobile-Friendly Test to see if your site is mobile-friendly and whether it can increase website engagement.

6) Mobile Pages That Load Quickly

When using the internet, the speed of access is critical. A page that does not load will be abandoned in less than 3 seconds by the majority of users. Google has advocated the usage of AMP to assist improve the performance of online pages (Accelerated Mobile Pages).

AMP pages are essentially stripped-down web pages that just show the visitor the information they need. Incorporating the AMP code onto your site can potentially improve your site’s SERP rankings.


7) Image Resizing

Because mobile site views are substantially smaller than desktop views, your images should be as well. By scaling the image dimensions to the right criteria, you may ensure that the page loads quickly.

To promote speedier website loading, a good rule of thumb is to keep all photos under 7MB in size. Using an image compression tool will help you keep the quality of your images excellent while also reducing the time it takes for your site to load.


8) Useful Keywords

Keywords are particular word groups that consumers use to find your sort of business on Google.

The more terms related to your business you include on your website, the easier it will be for visitors to find it.

Incorporating the relevant terms into your website requires accurate keyword research, which is an important aspect of any online engagement plan to increase website engagement.


9) Up-to-date, relevant content

You’ve probably heard the phrase “content is king” in relation to digital marketing. While having good material for your website visitors to read, watch, and consume is crucial, it must also be the correct content.

You have a lot higher chance of generating and delivering helpful content on your site if you understand your clients’ wants. This will attract the ideal folks who wish to buy from you in the long run.


However, having relevant information that has been updated will assist search engines in better indexing of your website. Websites that are updated on a regular basis receive a higher crawl budget from web spiders and are indexed more frequently. The level of engagement on your website is determined by whether or not you provide the material that people are seeking.


10) Tags in the title

The Title Tag is the title of the post that Google reads and shares in the search results, according to SEO terminology. You are more likely to obtain people who want to learn more if it is optimised and clearly explains what the web page is about.


11) Meta description

The Meta Description is another important part of good SEO since it tells search engines what the page is about. Because a section of the meta description is displayed in the search results, it also benefits visitors.

12) Image Alternate Text

Images are one aspect of search engine optimization that is sometimes disregarded. Because Google has trouble figuring out what an image represents, adding ‘alt text’ to it helps it rank higher in searches. Alt-text is particularly crucial for search engines since it is used by people with vision impairments who use screen readers. All of your photos and infographics should be optimised to attract the proper audience.


13) Presence on Social Media

It’s pointless to argue with trends: if your company doesn’t have a Facebook or Instagram account, you’re already behind. Many entrepreneurs believe that social media is a waste of time. When handled effectively, though, it can be a powerful generator of online traffic and increase website engagement. Visitors are more likely to increase website engagement with you if they follow you on social media channels.


14) Guest Blogging

Consider where else you may post and offer good ideas outside of your own website to increase traffic and increase website engagement. You can write for other websites that offer relevant information that your target audience will find fascinating.

Guest blogging can be a useful tactic for increasing traffic to your site if you have any industry experience. You may steer visitors (and search engines) back to your own website by sharing your thoughts on popular websites and linking back to it. The more backlinks you have, the more authority and trust your website will gain over time.

15) Commenting on blogs

Sharing your views and insights as comments on other people’s posts is another strategy that might help you build backlinks. If done correctly on sites like Quora, this can also result in greater traffic and authority for your own page, and increase website engagement.


These 15 marketing and web development concepts will help your website gain more visitors, lower bounce rates, and boost or increase website engagement.

People will continue to come and purchase from your firm if you keep it up to date, safe, and useful for your audience. Even in the year 2022, a company website is a valuable asset that requires time and works to develop and manage. The payoff, on the other hand, is well worth the investment.


Enthof is a Mumbai based digital marketing firm. Through our online marketing, social media marketing, and branding strategy, we can help you develop world-class brands and grow your web presence, increase website engagement and sales. To get started expanding your business online, contact us today.