The trending hashtags on Twitter are ones that are being used at a higher rate than other tags. They frequently connect to a current global or regional event, but they have also trended as a result of a concerted effort by users.

#Covid_19 remains a trending topic due to the global pandemic, while #MeToo is a great example of a # that went viral due to social media users using it to drive awareness about sexual abuse and harassment.


Three Ways to Find Twitter Trending Hashtags

To participate in Twitter’s most timely and fascinating conversations, you must first understand what is trending so that you can jump on board. Here are three ways to find out which tags on the platform are currently trending.


1. Native Twitter Search.

You can keep up with the latest trending hashtags within the platform by navigating to the #Explore tab from your dashboard. Simply click on the “trending” tab to get a list of the topics and tags currently trending in your region.

Users will also find topics chosen for them by the Twitter algorithm based on their preferences, in addition to trending hashtags. You can also find the most popular tags across a variety of categories, such as news, sports, and entertainment.


2. Social Listening Tools.

If you want long-term success on Twitter, you’ll want to focus on Twitter hashtags that are extremely relevant to your target audience’s interests. A great way to do this is to use a social listening tool like Union Metrics to monitor your target audience’s conversation.

Union Metric’s free Twitter Analytics Report will give you a quick snapshot of recent conversations about your brand, your competitors, a campaign, a hashtag, a trend, a Tweet, and more. The report analyzes potential reach, impressions, conversation size, and top influencers, allowing you to gain a broader picture of the conversations your target users are having on Twitter.

Union Metric’s paid product also gives you access to real-time insights and alerts, helping you to capitalize on new and trending conversations as they take place.


3. Trendsmap.

Another helpful tool is Trendsmap which lets you take your native Twitter search results one step further by actually showing you the hashtag’s performance over time. Additionally, you can view the most popular Tweets relating to each # you search for and the top accounts related to these terms.

This tool helps those who wish to keep up to date with the latest news or happenings regarding their brand, region, or industry. You can set up alerts for when new tweets appear relating to your topic of interest.