4 Steps to get traffic to your blog

One thing that all bloggers have in common is the stress of trying to increase traffic to your site. It would be great if all the target readers easily flowed to your page, but the undeniable reality is that you need to build your audience. It can be a very stressful process and you may want to quitting your blogging, but keep in mind the positive impact a successful blog can have on your business.

Mastering search engine optimization and other strategies can reach thousands and even millions of blogs. If you want to know more about search engine optimization, or if you want to get professional help, check out our agency. Let’s take a look at some of the best techniques you can use to get traffic to your blog.

The content is king

If you really want to get traffic to your blog, it’s very important to have the content that many people want. The phrase content is king is well-known but many writers easily ignore it. Creating great content isn’t just about creating quality work, it’s also about strategically marketing your posts to the views they deserve.

Another important factor in creating content is making it timeless. Make sure your content will always be irrelevant and you are always a good source of information on the topic. Every time people search for something on the topic, your blog post should somehow benefit them.

Creating viral content

We know it’s important to create valuable content, but how do you create content that sells itself? The answer is to create content that is designed to be viral. The best thing you can do is see what your competitors are doing. How do successful blog posts get the traffic they get? What do many people have in common that they want to read, participate in, and share your blog posts? We’ve collected three things that are common to all successful content.

1. Write a catchy headline

Headlines are the first thing readers see, so they should be impressive enough to make you want to read your blog. There are three things to keep in mind when writing a headline.

  • Firstly, a good title tells a story, which is recognizable. In general, the headliner gets the reader’s attention, not just saying what the article is.
  • Secondly, good headlines include questions. It can also be a question that people ask directly, such as “How to lose weight in 10 days”. It can be in the form of a story in which the reader asks what will happen next. For example, “She ate like this for 10 days, see what she looks like now…”.
  • Thirdly, to create a great title, you need to be a little polarizing. The reader must fully agree or disagree. If someone agrees, they will want to read your work, and if someone disagrees, they will want to read. This is a kind of clickbait, but it attracts readers to your page and they will read your quality articles.

2. Wider content

Aim for at least 1000 words to create a shareable post. However, longer content, such as 2,500 to 3,000 posts, is usually shared more. There are many reasons to aim for longer posts. Let’s look at some of these reasons:

More words mean you can insert more SEO tags without the risk of confusing your keywords. Long posts make it easy to include backleads and organic links, making it easier to keep your posts timeless.

Many people are still writing short posts, so your long blog post will stand out from the crowd.

Longer posts make you look like an expert, as your readers will find all the information on your page. You don’t have to search for information in another blog post. Long posts are often shared and redistributed by readers. This is because each reading brings a new perspective and emphasizes different aspects of the article.

3. Develop a good theme

Trying to think about a topic is a very stressful process. If a bad topic comes to you, no one wants to read it, or they may read it and report it as irrelevant. This is a very important aspect of the blogging process, so we’ve put together four steps to help you develop the best themes.

step 1

The first step is to know what the viewer wants. There are several ways to solve this. You can use the general forums to find what your viewers want to read. It’s very simple and effective. All you have to do is type one of your top keywords into the search box. With the right keywords, you’ll find many frequently asked questions, search queries, and general topics from people who are interested in your area of ​​knowledge. Read the question to get ideas for keywords that you can use in your article.

Another way to find content that interests your target audience is to browse the social media pages of your competitors, review all social media, and read the content. Try to cover similar but not identical content. Try to find another paradigm or discovered aspect of that topic. This is also a fairly simple technique.

If you’re looking for something more complex and tech-savvy, you can use SEO and keyword search tools to find your target audience. You can use SEO tools to find the website your competitors are using to find the backlinks. From there, you’ll find niches that your competitors don’t cover, or what your target audience is really looking for. There are also many specialized keyword research tools that display the keywords used by your competitors. By doing a query survey, you can find out what to include in your blog and increase your readership.

Step 2

Another tech-savvy way to create a theme that lets you click the share button is to use a topic generator. The topic generator helps you generate ideas easily. The process is simple. Enter keywords from your main search engine to see all kinds of topics within that area of ​​interest. It’s easy, but it also has its drawbacks. This is a guessing game. If you haven’t done your target market research and know who your audience is, you’ll blindly choose a topic that appeals to you. However, these topics may not suit the reader’s taste. Therefore, it is recommended that you do not skip step 1 before performing step 2.

Step 3

So far, I’ve talked a lot about inspiring competitors, but what about your own blog? Getting topic inspiration from your blog post is one surefire way to get traffic to your blog. Browse their posts and find useful comments. You can also check the reviews of the products and services we offer.

When reading comments on your blog, you should also try to communicate with some of your readers. Of course, when looking for inspiration for a topic, you need to get feedback from readers who are experts in their own right. One way to do this is to check social networks or Google Analytics. For example, you can see the profiles of LinkedIn and Instagram commentators. Usually, they have a history of mentioning what the person is doing. You can also check the comments of other specialized blogs. For example, if you are a business writer, check out a dedicated business blog. It is very likely that you will get comments from entrepreneurs and other business people.

Apart from the comments, you should also check the reviews. Now, what about reviews without comments? For one thing, people may find it more comfortable to share personal topics like weight loss through anonymous reviews. If you’re just starting out on your blog, or have few reviews, you can search for similar product reviews. Reviews help you better understand referral traffic. Be careful not to read the reviews unnecessarily. Find answers to questions such as “Who is your target audience?” And “What are the common issues?” and “What online solutions can we use to solve these problems?”

Step 4

A well-known way to find a topic is to look through curated content. What is curated content? This is content created by other users that you have marked and selected for sharing in your blog post. Content is not limited to a single output. This means it could be something like a blog post, a social media post, advice from someone you admire, or something you want to share on a site that can get traffic to your blog. Do your best to select high quality content to maintain your blog posting standards. Let’s take a look at some of the benefits of content curation.

Use Content Calendar Gap: Most of the content in your blog post should consist of your own text. However, planners can have some gaps, and sharing the work of others is a low-budget option to fill those spaces.

Share valuable and knowledgeable information with your readers. With careful selection of content, you can share articles written by experts. Guest posts increase the credibility of your blog and increase traffic.

Become the accomplished thought leader-Sharing guest posts not only increases blog traffic, but also helps you become a thought leader. Be sure to add your opinion when sharing an interesting post. Be clear and concise. Let them know what you think when sharing guest posts.
Build a Stronger Network – Selecting content gives you the opportunity to network with other bloggers and content creators. Tell them why you are grateful for their work and don’t ask them to give back. If you give it time, sharing their articles will build a connection, as you drive more traffic to their pages and in return they may share your posts someday.

Looking for an agency to support content marketing and digital marketing? Don’t hesitate to reach us we are ready to help you!